Cricket was a breeder surrender. She had a very difficult birth. She had some nerve damage and eye damage due to being stuck in the birth canal and pulled. The local vet was not on duty at the time so her breeder had to try to save Momma over the puppy. It was a surprise that this tough little girl lived.
She came to our home after the her vet said an eye had to be removed. We took her to an eye specialist in Edmonton who deemed that she was much too young to have the surgery but to try to save the eye Cricket had to have drops administered every 3 hours around the clock for months. In the end it did not save her eye. Her tear duct was too severely damaged. Cricket had issues with navigating as well so the specialist thought that she was only seeing shadows through the bad eye. She had surgery when she was old enough for it to be safe.
She toughed it out through the surgery by our local vet and looked pretty rough for a while. Cricket healed very nicely and very fast though. Our vet did a fantastic job of making Cricket look like she wasn't missing an eye unless you look closely.
Cricket had noticed her world was different right away. She stopped bumping into things and finally walked out a door. She was blind on one side so would be startled if somepuppy jumped out or ran past that side. There seemed to be some memory and neurological issues with her as well but nothing that would harm her or prevent her from living a pretty normal life. She dances and dances!
Cricket was placed with an owner who already had one of our Yorkie puppies. She turned out to be a fantastic owner so was asked if she would like to take on a special needs girl. Cricket is one happy girl who lives with a Yorkie brother. She is spoiled rotten!
Button the Chi was owner surrendered. She was re-socialized and placed with a wonderful lady.
Precious was rescued from a puppy mill north of Edmonton. We found her at our local shelter pregnant.
Duchess was a VERY ill girl. SHe was rescued from the ESPCA where she was registered as a boy!
Abigail wasn't really a rescue. She was a show potential's sister who broke her leg while visiting.