Your Name: Your Email: Your City, Province/State: Please answer the following general questions: Have you ever owned a Yorkshire Terrier? Do you currently own pets? If so what species and/or breed? Are the animals in your home spayed or neutered? If your current animals are not altered why aren't they? Have you ever had to put an animal to sleep or euthanize? If so why? What is your gender preference? Are you aware that our puppies are placed on non-breeding contracts? How much do you expect to pay for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy? When are you planning on purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier? What colour, temperament, size etc do you expect from your Yorkshire Terrier? Have you researched or had experience with the following: Grooming requirements? Including coat, teeth and nails? Nutritional and Diet needs? The time and dedication needed for potty training? What are the hazards of allowing excessive jumping? (I don't know is a valid answer) What is the difference between a small breed dog wearing a collar versus a harness? (I don't know is a valid answer) What are some reasons for or against feeding table scraps? (I don't know is a valid answer) Some questions about your daily living: How many children live or regularily stay at your home? What are the ages of the children live or regularily stay at your home? Do you rent or own your home? If you rent do you have you landlord's permission and will we be able to contact your landlord? Will there be someone home throughout the day? How many hours per day would the Yorkie be home alone........on average? Where would this Yorkie be housed when no one is home? And finally: Are you willing to keep in touch with CwnAnnwn Yorkshire Terriers? How do you plan to get a Yorkshire Terrier to you? How did you hear about CwnAnnwn Yorkshire Terriers? Please include any additional information you feel we should know about you, your family or your lifestyle.